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2000 Airstream Land Yacht XC Diesel - Michigan Private Seller

5 months ago Airstream Motorhomes FOR SALE  South Lyon, MI 456 Views 1 Watching
Year: 2000
Make: Airstream
Model: Land Yacht XC Diesel
Length: 36 foot
State or Province:MI
City: South Lyon
Type of Sale:Private Seller
Listed:5 months ago

2000 Airstream Land Yacht XC 36 foot, 78,828 miles current owner driven it 42,000 , Caterpillar 3126B Turbo Engine, Allison 6 speed Auto Trans, Freight Liner RV chassis,Grade Retard Jake Brake , Correct Michelin tires, 4 new 1000 amp batteries, Firestone airbags replaced, Air brake actuator pucks and air dryer filter replaced, Rebuilt 7.5 Diesel generator, roof caps replaced and recent roof reseal, combo washer/dryer, Rear queen bed, Couch fold out to full size bed, Dinette folds down for bed roughly twin and 1/2 , Microwave/convection oven

Road Ready and licensed, serious inquiries only, no dealers!

Located in South Lyon, Michigan 48178

Beware of Scams

Public Discussion about this ad - 2000 Airstream Land Yacht XC Diesel - Michigan


Revision Date: 2024-06-10 17:07:17
By User: Klhansen94
Revised Field: city_id

Old Value New Value
4986994 5010548

Revision Date: 2024-06-10 17:07:17
By User: Klhansen94
Revised Field: description

Old Value New Value
<p>2000 aaAirstream Land Yacht XC 36 foot, 78,828 miles current owner driven it 42,000 , Caterpillar 3126B Turbo Engine, Allison 6 speed Auto Trans, Freight Liner RV chassis,Grade Retard Jake Brake , Correct Michelin tires, 4 new 1000 amp batteries, Firestone airbags replaced, Air brake actuator pucks and air dryer filter replaced, Rebuilt 7.5 Diesel generator, roof caps replaced and recent roof reseal, combo washer/dryer, Rear queen bed, Couch fold out to full size bed, Dinette folds down for bed roughly twin and 1/2 , Microwave/convection oven</p><p>Road Ready and licensed, serious inquiries only, no dealers!</p><p>Located in South Lyon, Michigan 48178</p> <p>2000 Airstream Land Yacht XC 36 foot, 78,828 miles current owner driven it 42,000 , Caterpillar 3126B Turbo Engine, Allison 6 speed Auto Trans, Freight Liner RV chassis,Grade Retard Jake Brake , Correct Michelin tires, 4 new 1000 amp batteries, Firestone airbags replaced, Air brake actuator pucks and air dryer filter replaced, Rebuilt 7.5 Diesel generator, roof caps replaced and recent roof reseal, combo washer/dryer, Rear queen bed, Couch fold out to full size bed, Dinette folds down for bed roughly twin and 1/2 , Microwave/convection oven</p><p>Road Ready and licensed, serious inquiries only, no dealers!</p><p>Located in South Lyon, Michigan 48178</p>

Revision Date: 2024-06-10 17:03:03
By User: Klhansen94
Revised Field: draft

Old Value New Value
1 0

Revision Date: 2024-06-10 17:03:03
By User: Klhansen94
Revised Field: published

Old Value New Value
0 1

Post Unmoderated Date: 2024-06-10 18:34:18
Reason: Reviewed and approved ad. Reaching out re: photos

Post Moderated Date: 2024-06-10 17:12:43
By User: Klhansen94
Reason: Ad held pending review - will be published on approval

Post Moderated Date: 2024-06-10 17:07:19
By User: Klhansen94
Reason: Ad held pending review - will be published on approval

Post Moderated Date: 2024-06-10 16:49:18
By User: Klhansen94
Reason: Ad held pending review - will be published on approval

Posted by MelanieF (5 months ago)

Hello, I’m interested in this class a. When were the tanks last serviced? Any issues? When was it last on the road?

Posted by STREMN (5 months ago)

How to Message a Seller

Quoted text:
Hello, I’m interested in this class a. When were the tanks last serviced? Any issues? When was it last on the road?
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