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1956 Airstream Safari - Louisiana Private Seller

1 month ago Airstream Trailers FOR SALE  Livonia, LA 430 Views 1 Watching
Year: 1956
Make: Airstream
Model: Safari
State or Province:LA
City: Livonia
Type of Sale:Private Seller
Listed:1 month ago
Location: Livonia, LA
Price : Make Offer

From abandoned in NM, restored in RI, moved to and lived in New Orleans, now awaiting the next home. This trailer has seen a lot clearly and is now mostly gutted from my attempt at replacing the subfloor, which I was quickly overwhelmed by. Most of the subfloor is still still intact and it s full of scraps from when I was taking out the interior. A while later it was vandalized where I had stored it and the windows/frames have mostly been smashed. At this point I had to admit that repairing it all is far beyond my skill level.

This trailer has had a lot done to over the years both before and after I got it. Upon purchase in 2011 I mainly redid the interior and 10 years later it needed more structural repair. All the interior aluminum is original and most of the exterior except the underbelly which was replaced when the original axel snapped in 2011 and was replaced with a brand new one.

This trailer deserves at least its shell salvaged and even better a new life fully redone.

Beware of Scams

Public Discussion about this ad - 1956 Airstream Safari - Louisiana


Revision Date: 2024-12-15 20:39:36
By User: livhirsch
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Old Value New Value

Revision Date: 2024-12-15 20:39:36
By User: livhirsch
Revised Field: description

Old Value New Value
<p>From abandoned in NM, restored in RI, moved to and lived in New Orleans, now awaiting the next home. This trailer has seen a lot clearly and is now mostly gutted from my attempt at replacing the subfloor, which I was quickly overwhelmed by. A while later it was vandalized where I had stored it and the windows/frames have mostly been smashed. At this point I had to admit that repairing it all is far beyond my skill level.</p><p>This trailer has had a lot done to over the years both before and after I got it. Upon purchase in 2011 I mainly redid the interior and 10 years later it needed more structural repair. All the interior aluminum is original and most of the exterior except the underbelly which was replaced when the original axel snapped in 2011 and was replaced with a brand new one. </p><p>This trailer deserves at least its shell salvaged and even better a new life fully redone. </p> <p>From abandoned in NM, restored in RI, moved to and lived in New Orleans, now awaiting the next home. This trailer has seen a lot clearly and is now mostly gutted from my attempt at replacing the subfloor, which I was quickly overwhelmed by. Most of the subfloor is still still intact and it s full of scraps from when I was taking out the interior. A while later it was vandalized where I had stored it and the windows/frames have mostly been smashed. At this point I had to admit that repairing it all is far beyond my skill level.</p><p>This trailer has had a lot done to over the years both before and after I got it. Upon purchase in 2011 I mainly redid the interior and 10 years later it needed more structural repair. All the interior aluminum is original and most of the exterior except the underbelly which was replaced when the original axel snapped in 2011 and was replaced with a brand new one. </p><p>This trailer deserves at least its shell salvaged and even better a new life fully redone. </p>

Revision Date: 2024-12-13 20:20:18
By User: livhirsch
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Revision Date: 2024-12-13 20:20:18
By User: livhirsch
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12000.00 0

Revision Date: 2024-12-13 20:19:34
By User: livhirsch
Revised Field: draft

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1 0

Revision Date: 2024-12-13 20:19:34
By User: livhirsch
Revised Field: published

Old Value New Value
0 1
Posted by Belegedhel (1 month ago)

Can you post some pics of the interior?

Posted by STREMN (1 month ago)

How to Message a Seller

Quoted text:
Can you post some pics of the interior?
How to Message a Seller [LEFT]This is a copy of the Sellers Classified Ad. This post is limited and doesn't include: "Message Seller" Button - Pricing - Photo Gallery We recommend using Direct Messages to discuss details and exchange sensitive information. Direct Messages are private between Buyer and Seller. Send a Direct Message using the "Message Seller" Button located ONLY in the Classified Ad. The "Message Seller" Button posts to the Sellers Account and Email. [/LEFT] To SEE and USE ALL CLASSIFIED FEATURES: Click the link after- View this ad at Airstream Classifieds - <[U]Blue underlined link[/U]> The Sellers' Ad opens in a new window. "Login" to the Classifieds using your existing Air Forums Name & Password. ALTERNATIVE: Click the Members User Name to open a menu and select "Send a Private Message". Private Messages are not posted publicly. HELP DESK: Questions, need more help? Use the "[B]Contact Us[/B]" link at the bottom of every Forum or Classified Ad Page. [LEFT]The Site Team [/LEFT]

Posted by Ken J (1 month ago)

So sad - those windows are going to be hard to replace - otherwise it actually looks pretty good

Posted by livhirsch (1 month ago)

I have a video of the interior I can’t seem to upload if anyone is interested I can send it elsewhere.

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